Bob was concerned that his competitor Babar was getting ahead of him and growing faster. He hired a researcher Rachel to figure out what Babar was doing that was giving him an edge. Rachel did her research and after a month reported back to Bob … Once upon a time in Dallas Texas, thereRead More…
How Bob levelled the field with his competitor – an Ecommerce Success Story. Bob was concerned that his competitor Babar was getting ahead of him and growing faster. He hired a researcher Rachel to figure out what Babar was doing that was giving him an edge. Rachel did her research and after a month reportedRead More…
Thank You for registering on UMP – If you have not completed your profile, please do so. You may also want to add members from your own company for managing Accounting related items and a Support person for managing the day to day data synchronization and uploads. To log back into your account, visitRead More…

You pick a plan or multiple plans, we work with you to map your products to (UMP) and then map UMP to eBay, Amazon or whatever you have picked in your plan. Once this on-boarding process is complete, your own database becomes the controlling database. When you update your database, the UMP database getsRead More…